Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year greetings from Our Beloved Kyapje Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

I would like to wish all of you "Tashi Delek" for the New Year of 2012. Though I have recently had a spell of not such good health, because of compassion of the lamas and the Three Jewels as well as the long-life pujas of the Sangha and the prayers and aspirations of my students, I am now getting better and better. So now I would like to make a prayer that all of you students of mine encounter no difficulties or obstacles. I would like to pray that there be no problems or difficulties in the world and that all those who practice the Dharma have no impediments or problems in their lives.

我祝大家來年2012如意吉祥, 扎西德勒!我最近因身體微恙, 蒙佛法僧三寶慈悲加被、以及僧眾們的長壽法會和眾弟子們的誦經和發願,我現在一日比一日健康。所以我現唸誦一篇祈請文,祝願大眾萬事如意 。我並祈願世界和平,人民安康 ,及修行佛法之行者今生遠離一切障礙 。

Friday, December 30, 2011

Nuns of Thrangu Tara Abbey wish all the Dharma Brothers and Sisters A Very Happy New Year 2012.

21 Tara Paintings at Thrangu Tara Abbey, December, 2011

We are happy to announce that 21 Tara paintings at the Abbey's main shrine hall are almost to finish. We would like to Thank all the sponsors for this project and want to dedicate the merits to all beings. May the blessing of 21 Tara flourish all over the world. Tashi Delek.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Congratulations SMD grade ten students!

Congratulations SMD grade ten students!
We the nuns of Thrangu Tara Abbey Nunnery would like to congratulate all the SLC graduated students of Shree Mangal Dvip School for passing 100% with some distinction and first division. Thank you very much for your wonderful diligence in your studies. You made us feel proud of SMD and full filled our Root Guru Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche's wish come true. You have shown great example for young SMDers.

Nuns of Thrangu Tara Abbey.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Some of update pictures of wall painting of 21 Taras in main shrine hall

Ani Karma Chomo & Ani Karma Lhamo in Bangnkok

Two of Thrangu Nuns Ani Karma Chomo and Ani Karma Lhamo attend the 12th sakyaditta buddhist women conference satthira dammasthana in Bangkok, Thailand from 12th june to 18th june 2011. This conference is about the Buddhist Women and takes place every 2 years. For more information about this conference please

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Shedra students start their daily classes

The Shedra student start their daily class after the return of their Ani teachers from Varanasi. Here are some picture of their recent class.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Group Pictures of 2011

1. Khenpo Karma Dradul with senior nuns.
2. Khenpo K. Dradul, Acarya Anis and Shedra Nuns
3. Group Picture with Root Guru Ven. Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche at Namo Buddha in April
4. Group picture of Nuns with Khenpo K. Dradul during the Losar 2138 ( Tibetan New Year)

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Monks and Nuns of both Clinic working together to make incense at the Abbey

Nuns of Thrangu Tara Abbey Clinic are making incense at the Abbey. Monks from Namo Buddha Thrangu Clinic and Astrology department also came to Abbey to make incense of their own. Monks and nuns of both clinic are working together at the Abbey.

Preparation work for wall paintings in the main shrine hall.

Tashi Delek. We have started to do the wall paintings in our shrine hall from May, 2011. The wall paintings will be of the 21 Taras as per our Root Guru Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche's advice. There will be small paintings of Kagyu Lineage masters and Dharma protector Mahakala with Thrangu Protector called Thrangu Gyenyen. The whole paintings work will take maximum of one year time. We will keep up to date. We would like to Thank the members of The Friends of Tara Abbey and all the others sponsor who made this come true. Thank you for your generosity. We still need about NRs. 900,000.00 (nine hundred thousand Nepali Rupees) to completed the whole paintings. Please contact Khenpo Chonyi Rangdrol for more information at

Vegetable Garden now hand over to Ani Nyerpas, Food Department

Ani Nyerkhang has taken care of the Vegetable Garden from April, 2011. In the past Ani Karma Dolma and her team were taking care of the Vegetable Garden. Ani Nyerkhang want to have more organic vegetables for nuns in the kitchen so they took full initiative for this project. The pictures were sent by Ani Karma Lhamo, present food manager of the Abbey. We would like to thank all the sponsor for their generosity.