A week long Grand Mahakala of the Lunar year 2138 completed with the smoke puja and Ki Ki So So ceremony today at the abbey at 9am. This is one of the major long puja of the year.
Relating to the Mahakala Practice by Ven. Khenpo Kathar Rinpoche:
IN A PUJA, OR RITUAL SADHANA PRACTICE, we invoke and relate to the Guru, the Yidam, and the three roots, or in this case, the protector, Mahakala, who can also be understood as the embodiment of the three roots. What we are primarily focusing on in a puja, is the enlightened activity which pervades space and time. Since the Yidams (enlightened Buddhist deities) are more specifically the activity aspect of the Dharma, through their names their activity becomes obvious. When the ritual of Mahakala is being performed, Mahakala appears in the form of a wrathful deity. It is not because there is something ferocious about Mahakala or that he is aggressive. Mahakala is none other than the inseparability of compassion and loving-kindness. In the view of ultimate wisdom, there is no separation between the Awakened Mind of Buddha and that of Mahakala. Mahakala is a manifestation of the awakened mind.
Appearing in very majestic form, splendid yet frightening, Mahakala stands in the midst of a mountain of flames to symbolize that no enemy can stand this appearance aspect; the sharp chopper, which he holds aloft in one hand, symbolizes the cutting through of negative patterns, aggression, hatred, ignorance--any of the five poisons. No neurosis or negativity can tolerate this very majestic form; the frightening form symbolizes Mahakala as totally devoid of fear or hesitation in his spontaneous yet consistent work toward the benefit and liberation of all beings.